RSS general secretary says Supreme Court has hurt the ‘sentiments of Hindus

Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi said the Supreme Court hurt sentiments of Hindus by deferring the Ayodhya title dispute case and indicated his organisation might launch a mass agitation if a Ram temple was not constructed soon. Joshi told that Hindus felt insulted by the apex court’s remark that it had more important issues while it deferred postponed the case to January. They said that the Ram Mandir issue was not a priority while adjourning the decision to January, we were pained by the remark. This is an issue of faith for crores of Hindus,the RSS number two said. We request the SC to reconsider the decision as this has caused a lot of hurt among the people. Joshi also faulted the SC decision on allowing young women to enter the Sabarimala temple, saying the decision was taken without talking to the stakeholders. We feel that women have equal rights to enter temples and there should be no discrimination.

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