To make stock market listing attractive for startups, leading stock exchange BSE has announced the creation of a new division within its SME segment to list new-age companies. The platform will facilitate the listing of companies in sectors like IT, ITeS, bio-technology and life sciences, 3D printing, space technology and e-commerce. Besides, the platform will aid in listing of firms from hi-tech defence, drones, nano technologies, artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, e-gaming, robotics, genetic engineering, among other sectors. Spelling out the criteria for listing on the BSE startup platform, the exchange said the company should be registered as a startup with the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises or Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion. In case the company is not registered as a start-up then its paid-up capital should be minimum Rs 1 crore. The firm should have positive net-worth and none of the promoter or directors of the company have been debarred by any regulatory agency. Further, the exchange said the firm seeking to list on the platform should not have been referred to National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and there should be no winding up petition against the company that has been accepted by NCLT.
To lure new-age cos, BSE creates new division