The Authority for Advance Rulings, Maharashtra has held that the Goods and Services Tax can’t be demanded on the intrigue free security deposit given for renting a business property. Be that as it may, if at the season of finishing of rent residency, the whole store or a piece of it is retained and not paid, as a charge against harms and so on., at that point such amount retained will be subject to GST according to the present GST laws, the AAR request said.
As per the candidate, no GST is material on the sum gathered as intrigue free security store. It contended that the meaning of thought given under the CGST Act explicitly avoids any stores, except if the equivalent is connected as thought for the supply. The security stores taken from the tenant does not impact the lease payable for the business properties. The security stores are just taken to shield the interests of the lessor. Conceding alleviation to the candidate, the specialist saw that the meaning of supply requires nearness of thought as a component for any of the characterized exchanges to be exigible to assess.

Further, the meaning of thought given under the CGST Act, 2017 requires an immediate connection between the installment and supply. Stores will just order as though where the provider appropriates such store as though for the said supply. It likewise laid four parameters for an installment to qualify as ‘security store’ — for the execution of a commitment, security against the return of procured products, security against harm to properties leased and it ought to be sensible. It was additionally held that these parameters apply in the present case, so it decided that security store taken by the candidate can’t be treated as though for supply and they are not obligated to pay any GST on the equivalent.