The Ministry of Home Affairs has passed on to the Delhi High Court that it, alongside the Ministry of Defense, will abide by any decision of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on the double power over the Assam Rifles. Assam Riffles, the 184-year-old paramilitary power of the nation, is under the authoritative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) while the operational control lies with the Ministry of Defense (MoD).

The gathering examined about a note moved by the MHA for the CCS on March 20 for settling the issue of double authority over Assam Rifles. The CCS is led by the Prime Minister and includes the Minister of External Affairs, the Home priest, the Finance serve and the Defense serve. It was chosen by both MHA and MoD that they will submit to the choice of the CCS, the MHA told the high court in its testimony. The court is presently figured out how to have issued a notice to the Cabinet Secretary to educate it concerning what choice the CCS had taken on the note sent to it by the MHA, an authority said. The Assam Rifles appeared in 1835 as a state army called the ‘Cachar Levy’. With around 750 men, this power was framed to principally ensure British tea homes and their settlements against inborn attacks.