Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Wednesday said the transfer of offers of recorded organizations should be possible just in the dematerialised (demat) structure from April 1 yet financial specialists are not banned from holding partakes in the physical structure. Now, it has been chosen not to expand the deadline The choice that the exchange of offers must be obligatorily in demat structure was reclaimed in March 2018. In a discharge on Wednesday, Sebi said the measure would become effective from April 1, 2019. Exchange deeds once held up before due date and returned because of lack in the archive might be re-stopped for exchange even after the April 1 deadline.The choice isn’t pertinent for demat of offers, transmission (for example exchange of title of offers by method for legacy/progression) and transposition (for example re-course of action/exchanging of the request of name of investors) cases, the discharge said.
From April 1, offers can be moved in demat structure just, says Sebi